Search the SGA Membership Directory for individual contact information.
- Annual Meeting Local Arrangements
- The Local Arrangements Committee manages all physical arrangements for the Annual Meeting, including site selection, hotel, event venues, and catering. The committee also coordinates any and all virtual components of the Annual Meeting. The Local Arrangements Committee works in coordination with the Program Committee and consists of a Local Arrangements Chair, Assistant Local Arrangements Chair, and volunteer committee members from the SGA membership.
- Chair: Ashley Shull
- Co-Chair: Shady Radical
- Assistant Chair: Robin Klemm
- Holly Croft
- Ashley Bennett
- Virginia Blake
- Annual Meeting Program
The SGA Annual Meeting Program Committee is responsible for choosing a theme, inviting keynote and plenary speakers, and soliciting and reviewing presentation proposals for the annual meeting. After evaluating proposals, the committee is responsible for coordinating with presenters, scheduling sessions, and promoting the event. The committee works closely with the Local Arrangements committee in planning the meeting as well as conducting post-conference surveys.
- Chair: Brittany Newberry
- Assistant Chair: Cathy Miller
- Marion Hudson
- Lauren LeDesma
Becky Sherman
- Education
The SGA Education Committee is responsible for planning and executing educational programs and events
offered throughout the calendar year. This includes selecting content and presenters for spring and fall
pre-conference workshops, as well as promotion of professional development opportunities for its SGA
- Chair: Alison Reynolds
- Assistant Chair: Amber Smith
- Mac Kelly
- Allison Schein
- Bill Hardesty
- Mariah Isbell
- Outreach
The SGA Outreach Committee is responsible for directing ongoing and issue-based advocacy, including public policy advocacy and informing elected officials about the value of archives. The Committee also spearheads outreach campaigns to promote SGA and the archival profession to non-members, institutions, and like-minded organizations, and collaborates with other SGA committees to facilitate social and educational events and programming for members and prospective members.
- Chair: Gaby Hale
- Assistant Chair: Mariah Isbell
- Jessica Wylie
- Chaundria Winn-Campos
- Jill Sweetapple
- Kendall Barksdale
- Georgia Archives Month
The Georgia Archives Month (GAM) falls underneath the Outreach Committee. The subcommittee celebrates the archival profession each October by showcasing various archive collections throughout the state and organizes the annual proclamation signing by the Governor. GAM decides a theme, creates a poster, solicits content and shares event information of participating institutions leading up to and through the month. The subcommittee annually awards the Spotlight on Archives Grant intended to help archives, museums, and heritage institutions in Georgia promote public awareness of their archives and manuscript collections.
- Chair: Pamela Nye
- Jennifer Blomquist
- Jessica McQuain
- Liz Griffin
- Penny Cliff
- Membership
The Membership Committee is focused on welcoming new members and engaging existing members through a variety of in-person and virtual gatherings throughout the year. The committee works to organize three events each year, with at least one being held jointly with an allied organization in Georgia as well as a reception at the annual meeting to allow for members to network and meet new friends. Committee members work on arrangements for all in-person and virtual gatherings throughout the year and work together to plan and run each event.
- Chair: Laura Starratt
- Jessica Wylie
- Mady Bullard
- Courtney Berge
- Nominating
- The Nominating Committee solicits and reviews nominations for the SGA Fellows Award and is responsible for filling the slate of candidates for the annual fall election for the new SGA Board. The committee accomplishes this through a series of outreach activities that inform and engage current members of the society.
- Chair: Joshua Kitchens
- Ashley Bennett
- Katie Twomey
- Scholarship
- The SGA Scholarship Committee supports the growth and development of a diverse and vibrant archival community in Georgia and beyond by administering six scholarships that support attendance at professional development opportunities and meetings of archival organizations. Committee members work on the advertisement of these scholarships and on selecting recipients according to the criteria established for each award. These scholarships are paid for by the fundraising efforts and generosity of the SGA membership.
- Chair: Marion Hudson
- Mady Bullard
- Courtney Berge
- Ashanti Porter
- Autumn Johnson
- Camilla Stegall
- Mike Santrock